Last Updated : August 9th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

This page lists all Bristol Lodekkas operated by Londag including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at

Fleet Number


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Photos
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  AHY981B FLF6GB 224097 12/1984 (Bristol 7165)

1/2016 (Jorg Pfiffner, Kloten, Switzerland)
?/1994 (Bundner Tagblatt, Chur, Switzerland)

Current (6/2016)
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Photo : Steve Hunt
  EHT110C FLF6G 229181 9/1986 (Non-PCV) 1/2002 (Kleins Raben Linie, Remshalden, Germany)
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  818SHW FLF6B 217093 ?/1988 (Non-PCV) 12/2003 (Kleins Raben Linie, Remshalden, Germany)
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503 OPU822D FLF6G 231075 9/1988 (Hedingham & District L102) Current (12/2018)
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  RPN10 FS6B 155030 12/1990 (Brighton & Hove 10) Current (6/2008)
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Photo : Londag
  SPM21 FS6B 155087 4/1991 (Brighton & Hove 21) ?/2016 (Oliver Frey, Kusterdingen, Germany)
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Photo : Richard Haughey
Converted for use as a mobile home
  SPM22 FS6B 155090 ?/1991 (Brighton & Hove 22) 8/1991 (Hasler, Wadenswil, Switzerland)
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Photo : Londag
Converted for use as a mobile home
504 KBD717D FS6B 230065 8/1991 (Driver trainer) by 6/2008 (Partybus Austria, Timelkam, Austria)
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Photo : Londag
Registered M-DR-7083 
  KAH461D FLF6G 231247 Not known (Twerenbod Reisen, Baden-Rutihof, Switzerland) 9/1998 (Lobus, Boblingen, Germany)
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  DHT784C FLF6G 229137 ?/1984 (Bristol Omnibus 7204) 2/1998 (Serg Kaslin, Biel, Switzerland)
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Photo : Serg Biel
  529VRB FLF6B 199097 1/1993 (Preserved) by 8/2015 (Unknown owner in Switzerland)
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  465FTT FLF6G 169048 2/1998 (Twerenbold Reisen, Baden-Rutihof, Switzerland) 1/1999 (Gottinger Verkehrsbetriebe mbh, Gottingen, Germany)
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501 EEL894C FLF6G 229202 3/1998 (Twerenbold Reisen, Baden-Rutihof, Switzerland) Current (7/2023)
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EEL894C with Londag
EEL894C in 2011
EEL894C in 2023
Photos : From the Internet, Mark Bennett, Londag
  JNU985D FLF6G 231208 12/1990 (Driver trainer) Not known (SCRAPPED)
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Acquired for spares

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