Illustrated History for SRB64F

Chassis: FLF6G 236177 Body: ECW 16194 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LW Configuration: H38/32F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 7/2019

Last updated : October 22nd 2022 (brought up-to-date)

by 3/2009 - current
Mart Leek, Wieringerwerf, Holland. Registered BE-84-15 locally
?/2000 - ?/200?
XL Line, Groningen, Holland
by 12/1999 - ?/2000 Carl Ireland, Hull (dealer)
by 4/1991 - ?/199? ?, ?, Sussex (repatriated to the U.K.)
12/1987 - ?/19?? Londag, Wadenswil, Lake Zurich, Switzerland. Registered ZH572731 locally
11/1986 - 12/1987 Brown (London Bus Export Company), Chepstow (dealer)
11/1986 - 11/1986 Lister, Bolton (dealer)
8/1980 - 11/1986 Wilson, Carnwath
7/1980 - 8/1980 T.P.E., Macclesfield (dealer)
7/1976 - 7/1980 East Midland Motor Services Ltd. 488. Withdrawn ?/1980
10/1967 - 7/1976 Mansfield District Traction Company Ltd. 688. Renumbered B688, ?/1972. Renumbered B488, ?/1975
SRB64F in 2017
Photo : Frans Angevaare
SRB64F in 1983
Photo : John Law
SRB64F in NBC green livery
Photo : Derek Brown Collection

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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