Illustrated History for OWX167

Chassis: LD6B 108186
Body: ECW 8122 Series 2 Engine: Bristol AVW Configuration: H33/25RD
Status: Preserved     Last Reported: 10/2019

Last updated : April 9th 2020 (brought up-to-date)

by 5/1994 - current
Ian Hunter, Leeds & Neil Halliday, Shipley (for further preservation)
?/1982 - ?/1994
Eastern Transport Collection (for further preservation)
2/1982 - 4/1985
Eastern Counties Omnibus Society (for preservation)
8/1976 - 2/1982
Helping Hands Community Bus, Wymondham (non-PCV)
12/1971 - 8/1976
Spratt, Wreningham
11/1970 - 12/1971
Partridge, Hadleigh
11/1955 - 11/1970
West Yorkshire Road Car Company Ltd. DX23. Withdrawn 1/1969

OWX167 in 2019
Photo : Neil Halliday
OWX167 with unknown owner
Photo : Jim Long
OWX167 with Helping Hands
Photo : John Palmer Collection
OWX167 with Partridge
Photo : Neil Halliday
OWX167 with West Yorkshire
Photo : Neil Halliday

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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