Illustrated History for MWW114D

Chassis: FS6B 230037 Body: ECW 15463 Series 2 Engine: Bristol BVW Configuration: H33/27RD
Status: Non-PCV     Last Reported: 8/2023

Last updated : August 4th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

8/2018 - current
Yorkshire Bus Bar, Leeds (non-PCV). Converted for use as a mobile bar, 5/2019
9/2011 - 8/2018
Michael Cooke, Skipton (for further preservation)
6/2003 - 9/2011 Escrick Bus & Coach Preservation Group (for preservation). Restored to West Yorkshire NBC livery as driver trainer 4068, c10/2003
by 7/1996 - 6/2003 ?, ? (as a caravan). Reported in the Avebury area, 7/1996. Noted on the A23/A27 junction near Brighton, 4/2003. Repainted in yellow livery advertising a Burgess Hill public house, 5/2003
by 10/1991 - ?/199? ?, ?
?/1990 - ?/199? Bennett, Kilwinning
11/1989 - ?/1990 Mayday UK, Leeds (non-PCV)
?/198? - 11/1989 Yorkshire Rider Ltd. 4068 (driver trainer)
8/1966 - ?/198? West Yorkshire Road Car Company Ltd. YDX233. Renumbered 3833, 10/1971. Converted for use as a driver trainer and renumbered 4068, 9/1979

MWW114D in 2019
Photo : Yorkshire Bus Bar
MWW114D restored as a driver trainer

Photo : Neil Halliday

MWW114D in 2003

Photo : Neil Halliday

MWW114D in use as a caravan

Photo : Adrian Brown

MWW114D in use as a caravan
Photo : Traveller Homes
MWW114D in use as a driver trainer with Mayday

Photo : Neil Halliday

MWW114D in use as a driver trainer with West Yorkshire

Photo : H John Black

Photo required of MWW114D in Tilling red livery
Can you help with a photo?

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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