Illustrated History for MCA620P

Chassis: LH6L LH/1133 Body: ECW 21695 Series 2 Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: B43F
Status: Preserved     Last Reported: 8/2022

Last updated : August 14th 2022 (brought up-to-date)

Link : YouTube video

c5/2009 - current
620 Group, Hull (for further preservation)
9/2004 - ?/2009 Dominic Eaton, Shrewsbury (for further preservation). Repainted in NBC green livery, 4/2007
8/2000 - 9/2004 David Wita, Ammanford (for further preservation)
8/1994 - 8/2000 Chris Brown, Worthen (for preservation). Restored in NBC green, by 10/97
2/1983 - 8/1994 Phillips, Holywell. Stored 7/93
10/1975 - 2/1983 Crosville Motor Services Ltd. SLL620

Photo : Dominic Eaton

Photo : BVRES Collection

Photo : From the Internet


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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