Illustrated History for DAL306C

Chassis: FLF6B 229132 Body: ECW 14982 Series 2 Engine: Bristol BVW Configuration: H38/32F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 5/2021

Last updated : February 4th 2022 (brought up-to-date)

by 12/2014 - currentAll Bus, Vaulx-en-Velin, France. In use as a static café, by 4/2018
?/2012 - ?/2014
Unknown dealer in Charleroi, Belgium
?/2010 - ?/2012
TTV Tennis, Turnhout, Belgium. Lettered as L'Annex
?/2003 - ?/2010
Classic Cars Roes, Kasterlee, Belgium
?/???? - ?/2003 Gezoarse Feesten, Eksaarde, Belgium
by 4/1978 - ?/???? Antwerp Puma Ltd., Antwerp, Belgium. Used as a mobile bar
12/1977 - ?/197? Heaps & Planner (Davian Coaches), Benington
10/1977 - 12/1977 Ensign, Grays (dealer)
7/1976 - 10/1977 East Midland Motor Services Ltd. 451
7/1965 - 7/1976 Mansfield District Traction Company Ltd. 651. Renumbered B651, ?/1972. Renumbered B451, ?/1975
DAL306C in 2020
Photo : Shane Ross
DAL306C in Belgium
Photo : Karl van Camp
Photo required of DAL306C in NBC green livery
Can you help with a photo?
DAL306C in Mansfield District livery
Photo : John Allcock

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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