Illustrated History for UGR694R

Chassis: VRT/SL3/520 Body: ECW 22222 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LXB Configuration: H43/31F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 1/2011

Last updated : April 25th 2017 (brought up-to-date)

4/2006 Ashley Gardiner, Gloucester (preservationist for spares). Scrapped, ?/2011
2/2000 - 4/2006 Bristol VR Enthusiasts' Society, Lightwater (for preservation). Acquried for spares, but in good condition and MOT passed, 11/2000
c10/1999 - 2/2000 West Kent Coach Sales, West Kingsdown (dealer)
4/1994 - ?/1999 West Sussex County Council, Chichester AX23
2/1989 - 4/1994 Bakers Coaches Ltd., Weston super Mare 67
9/1986- 2/1989 Northumbria Motor Services Ltd. 515. Withdrawn 1/1989
12/1976 - 9/1986 United Automobile Services Ltd. 694

Photo : Rob Sly

Photo : Bristol Buses Fotopic


If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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