Illustrated History for WJM832T

Chassis: VRT/SL3/1927
Body:  ECW 24042 Series 2
Engine: Gardner 6LXB Configuration: H43/31F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 4/2003

Last updated : February 6th 2020 (brought up-to-date)

by 12/2002
Lloyd, Hixon (dealer). Advertised for sale for spares or conversion to open-top, but not reported since and probably scrapped
5/2000 - ?/2002
Ayling (Sussex Coaches), Billingshurst. Withdrawn following an accident with a tree, 7/2002
4/2000 - 5/2000
Nash, Weybridge (dealer)
10/1992 - 4/2000
Stagecoach (South) Ltd. 972 (Hants & Surrey). Renumbered 7972, 1/1996
1/1987 - 10/1992
Alder Valley Ltd. 972
1/1986 - 1/1987
Alder Valley South Ltd. 972
7/1979 - 1/1986
Thames Valley & Aldershot Omnibus Company Ltd. (Alder Valley) 972. Allover advertising livery for Interlink Parcels

WJM832T with Ayling
Photo : Kevin Smith
WJM832T with Stagecoach Hants & Surrey
Photo : 133 Broadstone
Photo required of WJM832T in Alder Valley livery
Photo : Les Smith
WJM832T in allover advertising livery for Interlink
Photo : Adrian Tupper
Photo required of WJM832T in NBC red livery
Can you help with a photo?

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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