Illustrated History for UWV604S

Chassis: VRT/SL3/1100 Body: ECW 22404 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LXB Configuration: CO43/31F
Status: For Spares
    Last Reported: 2/2024

Last updated : February 11th 2024 (brought up-to-date)

by 2/2024 - current
Ryan Fell, Rugby (for spares)
c7/2016 - ?/202?
Bob Pain, Milton Keynes (preservationist for spares)
2/2000 - ?/2016
Dart Pleasure Craft (River Link), Dartmouth. Numbered 2, by 5/2002. Heavily used for spares after many years out of service, by 7/2014. Engine fitted to VDV138S, 7/2015
5/1997 - 2/2000 Bayline Ltd. 936. Still named "Illustrious". Withdrawn by 1/2000
9/1996 - 5/1997 Devon General Ltd. 936
3/1996 - 9/1996 Bayline Ltd. 936. Stagecoach livery, c4/1996. Named 'Illustrious', 5/1996
7/1993 - 3/1996 Sussex Coastline Buses Ltd. 384. Renumbered 7604, 5/1994
1/1992 - 7/1993 Stagecoach (South) Ltd. (Hampshire Bus) 384
4/1990 - 1/1992 Hampshire Bus Company Ltd. 384
12/1977 - 4/1990 Southdown Motor Services Ltd. 604

UWV604S in 2024
Photo : Ryan Fell
UWV604S in 2015
Photo : Darren Tasker
UWV604S in 2005

Photo : Derrick Cuff

UWV604S in 2003

Photo : Dave Root

UWV604S in 1999

Photo : Ian Kirby

UWV608S with Hampshire Bus
Photo : Bryanb27m4
UWV604S in Southdown livery
Photo : John Chisholm
UWV604S in NBC green livery
Photo : 133 Broadstone

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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