Illustrated History for SRU998

Chassis: LD6B 130133
Body: 8605 Series 2
Engine: Bristol AVW
Configuration: H33/27R
Status: Exported
    Last Reported: 1/2021

Last updated : January 23rd 2024 (brought up-to-date)

?/2021 - current
Zorgboerderij De Mikkelhorst, Haren, Holland
11/2018 - ?/2021
Piet Verbeek, Veen, Holland
?/???? - 11/2018
?, ?, Holland. Kept in long-term storage
by 7/1989 - ?/????
?, Leiderdorp, Holland
10/1975 - ?/198?
Kleyn Trucks, Vuren, Holland. Registered 03-56-ZB locally. Still owned, 2/1980
7/1975 - 10/1975
?, ? (dealer)
2/1957 - 7/1975
Hants & Dorset Motor Services Ltd. 1385. Renumbered 1449, 9/1971
SRU998 in 2018
Photo : Frans Angevaare
SRU998 in 1980
Photo : Frans Angevaare
Photo required of SRU998 in Tilling green livery
Can you help with a photo?

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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