Illustrated History for PAG511W

Chassis: VRT/SL3/2493 Body: ECW Engine: Gardner 6LXB Configuration: H43/31F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 6/2023

Last updated : June 26th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

7/2021 - current
Joeri Hendriks (The London Bar), Bree, Belgium. Registered 1-FYS-030 locally
?/2003 - 7/2021 Jan van Esch, Boxtel, Holland. Thoroughly refurbished and height lowered, by 4/2009. Registered BN-NN-99 locally. Operated as "The Red Lady"
10/2002 - ?/2003 Prins Classic Transport, Opijnen, Holland
10/2002 - 10/2002 PVS, Carlton (dealer)
?/1980 - 10/2002 East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. 511. Burgundy livery, 7/1997

PAG511W in 2021
Photo : Joeri Hendriks

Photo : Daniel Stazicker

Photo : Dave Beardmore

Photo : BVRES Collection

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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