Illustrated History for OHU768F

Chassis: RELL3/412 Body: ECW Engine: Leyland O680 Configuration: B53F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 6/1988

Last updated : April 21st 2024 (brought up-to-date)

6/1988 Cound, Gloucester (dealer). Presumed scrapped
6/1985 - 6/1988 Knubley (Brutonian Coaches), Bruton
12/1982 - 6/1985 Gastonia Coaches, Cranleigh. Withdrawn 12/1984
11/1982 - 12/1982 Ensign, Purfleet (dealer)
6/1968 - 11/1982 Bristol Omnibus Company Ltd. 1069. Withdrawn 10/1982
OHU768F in 1987
Photo : Michael Meilton
OHU768F in 1983
Photo : Alan O Watkins
OHU768F in NBC green livery
Photo : Rob McCaffery
OHU768F in 1970
Photo : Jim Shorland Collection
OHU768F in Tilling green livery
Photo : Andy Mitchell Collection

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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