Hants & Dorset Lodekka Survivors List

                                    LIST COMPLETE
This page is now complete and lists all known information - if you can help with additions, corrections or photos please do get in touch



Last Updated : October 14th 2013 (under construction)

Acknowledgement for help with these pages go to the PSV Circle for their Fleet History books and also to "Colin's Place" website which has very good coverage of the Hants & Dorset fleet.

Ex-Wilts & Dorset FS6G/FS6B : 101 - 128 (676AAM - AHR245B)

Ex-Wilts & Dorset FLF6G/FLF6B/FLF6L : 201 - 226 (467BMR - JMR821F)

Ex-Wilts & Dorset LD6G/LD6B : 401 - 437 (KMR608 - UAM941)

LD6B/LD6G : 1337 - 1366 (LRU67 - RLJ516)

LD6B/LD6G : 1367 - 1386 (SRU980 - SRU999)

LD6G/LDL6G : 1387 - 1406 (UEL708 - UEL727)

LD6G/LD6B : 1407 - 1435 (XEL541 - YRU74)

FS6B/FS6G : 1436 - 1464 (YRU75 - 4387LJ)

FL6G/FS6B/FL6B : 1465 - 1487 (4388LJ - 7687LJ)

FS6G/FS6B : 1488 - 1511 (4688RU - BRU141B)

FS6B/FLF6B/FLF6G : 1512 - 1533 (CEL860C - EEL896C)

FLF6B/FLF6G : 1534 - 1555 (FEL427D - HRU680E)

FLF6B/FLF6L : 1556 - 1577 (KRU223F - LLJ443F)

FSF6B/FSF6G/LDS6B/FS6B/FS6G/LD5G/LD6G : Secondhand Lodekkas

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