Last Updated : March 25th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

This page lists all Bristol VRs operated in Holland including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at rob@robsly.com


Chassis Number

First Australian Owner

Date Last Recorded Photos
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MO3819 VRTSL/332 ?/1972 (New) ?/1982 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Gary Trotter
Ordered originally by Stockport Corporation, the chassis was damaged in a fire at East Lancs bodybuilders in 1970. It was salvaged and sent (via Bristol Commercial Vehicles) to Australia where it was bodied by Smithfield as the only new single-deck VR, entering service with Hill, Wollongong in 1972
OCK64K VRLLH/140 10/1983 (Harmer, The Basin, Melbourne) 1/2005 (SCRAPPED)
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Photos : Pete Kane, From the Internet
Destroyed by fire in Perth, 1/2005
OCK66K VRLLH/142 10/1983 (Harmer, The Basin, Melbourne) Current 3/2023 (Endeavour Coach Company of Geelong)
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Photos : Express000, Paul Brunton
NRD50M VRT/LL2/115 ?/1983 (London Transport Bus Tours of Melbourne) by 3/2015 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Ventura

NRD51M VRT/LL2/116 ?/1983 (London Transport Bus Tours of Melbourne) Current 3/2015 (Dee Decker, Melbourne)
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Photo : Ventura
JFE539G VRTSL/215 ?/1984 (Churn, Perth) ?/2013 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Derek Cheng
Front end used as a photo opportunity at Blue Mountain Explorer Katoomba, by 3/2016
HHL737L VRT/SL2/450 ?/1985 (Churn, Perth) ?/2013 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Rob Sly
HHL739L VRT/SL2/452 ?/1985 (Churn, Perth) Current 10/2022 (Micka Campbell, Wagga Wagga)
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Photo : Rob Sly
AHU513V VRT/SL3/2288 4/2008 (Ivan Chircop, Melbourne) Current 5/2020 (Paul Brunton, Geelong)
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Photos : Ivan Chircop
Acquired for spares 

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