Illustrated History for 969ARA

Chassis: LD6G 120036 Body: ECW 8667 Series 2
Engine: Gardner 6LW Configuration: H33/25RD
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 8/2000

Last updated : July 18th 2022 (page added)

by 6/1999
Widomski, Canfield, Ontario, Canada. Believed scrapped
by 10/1980 - ?/19??
Dodge City, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada (dealer)
by 8/1973 - ?/19??
CHIN Radio, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
12/1971 - ?/197?
Higgs, Monk Bretton (dealer)
6/1970 - 12/1971
West Riding Automobile Company Ltd. 470. Renumbered 412, 11/1971
8/1956 - 6/1970
Midland General Omnibus Company Ltd. 450

969ARA in 1980
Photo : Paul Bateson
969ARA in 1978
Photo : Paul Bateson
969ARA in 1976
Photo : Paul Bateson
969ARA in April 1973
Photo : Paul Bateson
Photo required of 969ARA with West Riding
Can you help with a photo?
969ARA with Midland General
Photo : Derek Brown Collection

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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