Illustrated History for 414PTA

Chassis: FLF6B 217147 Body: ECW 14049 Series 2 Engine: Bristol BVW Configuration: H38/32F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 8/2023

Last updated : August 4th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

4/2009 - current Karl Wenn, California City, California, U.S.A. For full refurbishment as a mobile home and to tour the U.S.A.
?/???? - 4/2009 ?, Paso Robles, California, U.S.A.
?/19?? - ?/???? ?, ?, California, U.S.A. Converted for use as a mobile home. Last licensed, 2/1986. Noted stored at Sun Valley, 3/1992
by 1/1982 - ?/19?? Bla-Bla Café, Studio City, California, U.S.A.
11/1976 - ?/19?? British Double Deckers, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
11/1976 - 11/1976 British Double Deckers, Exeter (dealer)
4/1964 - 11/1976 Western National Omnibus Company Ltd. 2034. Allocated to Camborne throughout. Withdrawn 10/1976

Photo : Karl Wenn

Photo : Karl Wenn


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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