Illustrated History for XPM42

Reregistered AFE171A

Chassis: FS6G 196038 Body: ECW 12897 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LW Configuration: CO33/27R
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 6/2007

Last updated : July 19th 2020 (brought up-to-date)

11/2003 Mike Gallagher, Lincoln (for preservation). Destroyed by fire at Waddington, 21/6/2007
11/1990 - 11/2003 Smith (Welsh Dragon), Newport. Not used in service. Used for spares, by 6/1993. Derelict and still in Road Car livery, 7/2003
3/1978 - 11/1990 Lincolnshire Road Car Company Ltd. 2351. Named "Lincolnshire Poacher". Reregistered AFE171A and used for driver training, by 12/1989
1/1969 - 3/1978 Southdown Motor Services Ltd. FS2042
9/1962 - 1/1969 Brighton, Hove & District 42

Photo : Dave Beardmore

Photo : L.E.Y.T.R.

Photo : Dale Tringham

Photo : Ron H Collection

Photo : WH Photographic

Photo : Ron H Collection

Photo : Ron H Collection


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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