Illustrated History for VCA464W

Chassis: VRT/SL3/2604 Body: ECW 24524 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LXB Configuration: H43/31F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 3/2012

Last updated : September 19th 2016 (brought up-to-date)

by 6/2003 Double Decker Buses Inc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Carrying identity from WRH291J (an Atlantean). Destroyed by fire at the storage yard, 21/3/2012
1/2002 - ?/200? PVS, Carlton (dealer). Prepared for resale, c3/2002
8/2001 - 1/2002 First P.M.T. Ltd. 609. Withdrawn by 12/2001
2/1990 - 8/2001 P.M.T. Ltd. DVG464 (Crosville). Renumbered DVG609, 1/93. Used for spares at Chester, by 10/97. Reinstated (at Ellesmere Port), by 9/98. Renumbered 609, ?/99. Repainted in fleet livery, c6/2000
10/1980 - 2/1990 Crosville Motor Services Ltd. DVG464

Photo : Paul Bateson

Photo : Dave Beardmore

Photo : Graham Senior


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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