Illustrated History for TPJ56S

Chassis: LHS6L LHS/263 Body: ECW Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: B34F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 1/2001

Last updated : May 12th 2013 (page added)

by 8/2005 ?, ? (dealer for scrap)
by 1/2001 - ?/200? Crystal, Leycett. Withdrawn (operator ceased), by 12/2000. Withdrawn vehicles were vandalised after the business closed
5/1996 - ?/???? Matthews (Handy Bus), Chesterton
5/1996 - 5/1996 Martyn Hearson (Knotty Bus & Coach), Chesterton (dealer)
5/1996 - 5/1996 North East Bus Breakers, Annfield Plain (dealer)
9/1990 - 5/1996 United Automobile Services Ltd. 1900. Withdrawn 1/9/90. Reinstated 9/90. Withdrawn 9/93. Loaned to Tees & District Tranport for staff transport, 11/93 to ??/9?. Reinstated, by 8/94. Withdrawn by 5/95. Used for staff shuttles at Peterlee, 10/95 to 3/96
4/1989 - 9/1990 Trimdon Motor Services, Trimdon Grange. Numbered 1900, ??/??
9/1983 - 4/1989 Rossendale Transport Ltd. 52. Withdrawn 4/89
6/1983 - 9/1983 APT, Bracebridge Heath (dealer)
10/1977 - 6/1983 London Country Bus Services Ltd. BN56

Photo : Peter Smith

Photo : Martyn Hearson

Photo : BVRES Collection

Photo : Kelvin Amos

Photo : Kelvin Amos

Photo : Philip Hambling


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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