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BRISTOL RE 2081 - 2099

Last Updated : July 3rd 2014 (under construction)

This page lists Bristol REs 2081 - 2099 operated by Citybus including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at

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Chassis/Body Type

Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Notes
RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D
11/1976 (New)
8/1983 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 11/8/83
2082MOI8082 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2112
12/1976 (New)
3/1985 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 30/1/85
2083MOI8083 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2113 12/1976 (New)
5/1987 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 9/5/87
2084MOI8084 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2114 1/1977 (New)
4/1980 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 1/2/80
2085MOI8085 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2115 12/1976 (New) 4/1987 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 9/4/87
2086MOI8086 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B35D RELL3/2116 12/1976 (New) 3/1985 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 14/8/84
2087MOI8087 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B43D RELL3/2117 11/1976 (New)12/1991 (Bus Eireann BG19)

2088MOI8088RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/21181/1977 (New)
6/1981 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 3/10/80
2089MOI8089RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/211912/1976 (New)3/1988 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 14/3/88
2090MOI8090RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/21202/1977 (New)5/1987 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 7/5/87
2091MOI8091RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/21212/1977 (New)2/1979 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 18/1/79
2092MOI8092RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/21222/1977 (New)6/1981 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 22/5/81
2093 MOI8093 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2123 2/1977 (New) 4/1980 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 1/2/80
2094 MOI8094 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2124 3/1977 (New) 3/1980 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 1/2/80
2095 MOI8095 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2125 3/1977 (New) 12/1985 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 8/3/85
2096 MOI8096 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B35D RELL3/2126 3/1977 (New) 8/1979 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 4/7/79
2097 MOI8097 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B43D RELL3/2127 3/1977 (New) 12/1991 (Bus Eireann BG18)
2098 MOI8098 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2128 3/1977 (New) 2/1979 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 18/1/79
2099 MOI8099 RELL6G Alexander (Belfast) B32D RELL3/2129 3/1977 (New) 3/1985 (SCRAPPED)
Maliciously destroyed, 26/2/85
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