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BRISTOL RE - 2146 - 2155

Last Updated : January 25th 2015 (under construction)

This page lists Bristol REs 2146 - 2155 operated by Merseyside P.T.E. including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at

Previous Page (2086 - 2095)

Fleet Number


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Notes
2146 GTJ382N RESL8/452 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1822)
2147 GTJ383N RESL8/453 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1823)
2148 GTJ384N RESL8/454 6/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1824)
2149 GTJ385N RESL8/455 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1825)
2150 GTJ386N RESL8/456 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1826)
2151 GTJ387N RESL8/457 6/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1827)
2152 GTJ388N RESL8/458 6/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1828)
2153 GTJ389N RESL8/459 6/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1829)
2154 GTJ390N RESL8/460 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1830)
2155 GTJ391N RESL8/461 7/1975 (New) 8/1986 (Tyne & Wear P.T.E. 1831)

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