This page is currently incomplete and will be updated to include further historical information - if you can help with additions, corrections or photos please do get in touch

Bristol Commercial Vehicles Enthusiasts


Last Updated : October 9th 2022 (under construction)

This page lists all Bristol Lodekkas owned by PVS including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at

Fleet Number


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Notes
1 RFM459 LD6B 100155 1/1969 (Crosville DL714) 10/1970 (Exported)
2 RFM443 LD6B 100119 2/1969 (Crosville DLB698) 10/1971 (Exported)
3 RFM431 LD6B 100079 2/1969 (Crosville DLB686) ?/1970 (Exported)
4 RFM428 LD6B 100076 2/1969 (Crosville DLB683) Not known (SCRAPPED)
5 RFM432 LD6B 100080 2/1969 (Crosville DLB687) ?/1970 (Non-PCV)
6 RFM438 LD6B 100114 2/1969 (Crosville DLB693) ?/1970 (Exported)
7 RFM411 LD6B 100017 2/1969 (Crosville DLB666) 8/1970 (Exported)
8 RFM434 LD6B 100094 (photo) 3/1969 (Crosville DLB689) 10/1970 (Exported) Hired to Lesney (Matchbox)
9 RFM429 LD6B 100077 3/1969 (Crosville DLB684) 10/1971 (Exported)
10 RFM437 LD6B 100113 4/1969 (Crosville DLB692) 10/1971 (Exported)
11 RFM419 LD6B 100040 3/1969 (Crosville DLB674) 10/1970 (Exported)
12 RFM415 LD6B 100036 4/1969 (Crosville DLB670) 10/1969 (Exported)
13 RFM433 LD6B 100093 4/1969 (Crosville DLB688) 10/1971 (Exported)
14 RFM436 LD6B 100112 5/1969 (Crosville DLB691) 10/1971 (Exported)

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