All available information and photos have been published on this page - if you can help with additions, corrections or photos please do get in touch


Last Updated : February 2nd 2024 (brought up-to-date)

This page lists all Bristol VRs operated by Big Bus including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at 

Fleet Number


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Photos
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310 LFJ884W VRT/SL3/2851 6/2005 (Blackstone Valley Tourism Council of Pentucket, Rhode Island, U.S.A.) ?/2021 (DD-MM24, Myerstown, Pennsylvania)
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Photo : From the Internet
Carries registration plates for FFR170S
315 FDV781V VRT/SL3/2039 10/2003 (First Southern National 1169) ?/2018 (Peter Hellgren, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania)
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Photo : Alex Hall
320 EAP988V VRT/SL3/2241 5/2005 (Autobus Galland of Laval, Quebec, Canada) ?/2012 (SCRAPPED)
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Photo : Bob Martin
Withdrawn (last seen in use in 2007) and used for spares, by 8/2012
320 WTH952T VRT/SL3/1839 ?/2006 (Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)
?/2021 (DD-MM24, Myerstown, Pennsylvania)
Click for photos>>

Photos : Paul Bateson
Replacement 320 for EAP988V above. Carries registration plate from NCS437G
330 HUD480S VRT/SL3/1137 5/2005 (Autobus Galland of Laval, Quebec, Canada) ?/2021 (DD-MM24, Myerstown, Pennsylvania)
Click for photos>>

Photos : Alex Hall, Clive Barlow, Paul Haywood
340 RLJ345H (ex-AET181T) VRT/SL3/1856 5/2005 (Autobus Galland of Laval, Quebec, Canada) ?/2021 (Somerset Bar, Over the Rhine, Cincinnati, Ohio)
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Photo : Bob Martin
350 KRU856W VRT/SL3/2706 10/2008 (York Pullman of York) ?/2021 (Kim & Rob Rayevsky, Livinston Manor, New York)
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Photo : Nick Morton
360 UFX857S VRT/SL3/934 ?/2008 (Southern Vectis 991) ?/2020 (Aardvark Event Logistics, Conshohoken, Pennsylvania)
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Photos : John Delaney
395 JWV264W VRT/SL3/2762 10/2003 (Ward of Alresford) ?/2021 (DD-MM24, Myerstown, Pennsylvania)
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Photo : Jim O' Donnell

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