Illustrated History for NKH972P

Reregistered 578CYA, OKL974P

Chassis: LHL6L LHL/238 Body: Plaxton 7611BC004AM Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: C51F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 3/1995

Last updated : November 29th 2020 (brought up-to-date)

by 7/1997
?, ?. Presumed scrapped
3/1992 - ?/199?
Johnson (R & M Coaches), Par
9/1991 - 3/1992
Ford, Gunnislake
10/1990 - 9/1991
Heath, Barwell
5/1989 - 10/1990
Jackson, Barwell
1/1988 - 5/1989
Frazer, Castle Donington
3/1986 - 1/1988
Craker (Craker Brothers), Maidstone
10/1982 - 3/1986
Taylor (Reliance), Meppershall. Reregistered 578CYA, 5/1985. Reregistered OKL974P, 7/1986
3/1982 - 10/1982
Unknown dealer
11/1979 - 3/1982
Douglas (Douglas Coaches), Ramsgate
?/1979 - 11/1979
Constable (Constable Coaches), Felixstowe
4/1976 - ?/1979
Going Places (Halcyon Tours), Kingston-upon-Hull

Photo needed with R&M Coaches
Can you help with a photo?
Photo needed with Darley Ford
Can you help with a photo?
Photo needed with Heath
Can you help with a photo?
Photo needed with Jackson
Can you help with a photo? 
Photo needed with Frazer
Can you help with a photo? 
NKH972P with Craker
Photo : Richard Haughey Collection
NKH972P with Reliance
Photo : Richard Haughey Collection
NKH972P with Douglas
Photo : Tony Smith
Photo required of NKH972P with Constable
Can you help with a photo?
NKH972P with Halcyon Tours
Photo : George Rayner 

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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