Illustrated History for LPU452J

Chassis: RELL3/1294 Body: ECW 18496 Series 2
Engine: Gardner 6HLX
Configuration: B53F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 6/1996

Last updated : November 5th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

Whiting, Ferrybridge (dealer for scrap)
3/1994 - 6/1996
Busways Travel Services (Blue Bus Services) 1803. Not used in service
7/1993 - 3/1994
Buckinghamshire Road Car Ltd. 452. Withdrawn 1/1994
2/1992 - 7/1993
Johnson Coaches (Hanslope) Ltd. 452
12/1989 - 2/1992
United Provincial (Pennine Blue), Denton. To service, 10/1/1990
5/1983 - 12/1989
Lincolnshire Road Car Company Ltd. 1214
1/1971 - 5/1983
Eastern National Omnibus Company Ltd. 1527

LPU452J with Busways

Photo : Ian Robinson

LPU452J with Pennine Blue

Photo : Clive Brown

LPU452J with Road Car

Photo : BVRES Collection

LPU452J with Lincolnshire

Photo : Clive Brown

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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