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BRISTOL LD L8263 - L8300*

*Note that 8265-8270 were KSW6Gs and as such are out of scope for this website

Last Updated : October 25th 2012 (under construction)

The pages linked to this index page list Bristol Tramways Bristol LDs L8263 - L8300 including all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at rob@robsly.como

Fleet Number


Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Notes
LC8271 UHY398 LD6B 108078 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8271)  
LC8272 UHY399 LD6B 108079 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8272)  
LC8273 UHY400 LD6B 108080 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8273)  
LC8274 UHY401 LD6B 108081 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8274)  
LC8275 UHY402 LD6B 108107 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8275)  
LC8276 UHY403 LD6B 108108 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8276)  
LC8277 UHY404 LD6B 108109 9/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus LC8277)  
L8278 UHY407 LD6G 108082 10/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8278)  
L8279 UHY408 LD6G 108083 10/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8279)  
L8280 UHY409 LD6G 108084 10/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8280)  
L8281 UHY410 LD6G 108128 10/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8281)  
L8282 UHY411 LD6G 108219 12/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8282)  
L8283 UHY412 LD6G 108220 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8283)  
L8284 UHY413 LD6G 108221 12/1955 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8284)  
L8285 UHY414 LD6G 108222 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8285)  
L8286 UHY415 LD6G 108223 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8286)  
L8287 UHY416 LD6G 108224 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8287)  
L8288 UHY417 LD6G 108225 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8288)  
L8289 UHY418 LD6G 108226 1/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8289)  
L8290 UHY419 LD6G 108234 2/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8290)  
L8291 UHY420 LD6G 108235 2/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8291)  
L8292 UHY421 LD6G 108236 2/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8292)  
L8293 UHY422 LD6G 108237 2/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8293)  
L8294 UHY423 LD6G 108250 3/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8294)  
L8295 UHY424 LD6G 116138 5/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8295)  
L8296 UHY425 LD6G 116139 5/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8296)  
L8297 UHY426 LD6G 116145 6/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8297)  
L8298 UHY427 LD6G 116150 6/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8298)  
L8299 UHY428 LD6G 116186 7/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8299)  
L8300 UHY429 LD6G 116187 7/1956 (New) 5/1957 (Bristol Omnibus L8300)  

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