Illustrated History for KHU316P

Chassis: LH6L LH/1170 Body: ECW 21725 Series 2 Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: B43F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 11/1996

Last updated : September 19th 2017 (brought up-to-date)

4/1996 Norths, Sherburn-in-Elmet (dealer). Presumed scrapped
4/1992 - 4/1996 Tees & District Transport Company Ltd. 1924. Withdrawn 10/95
4/1989 - 4/1992 Teeside Motor Services, Stockton-on-Tees. Numbered 1924, 5/90. Withdrawn 4/92
11/1985 - 4/1989 Trimdon Motor Services, Trimdon Grange
by 7/1985 - 11/1985 PVS, Cudworth (dealer)
by 2/1984 - ?/198? Peter England Shirts, Maydown, Northern Ireland (non-PCV)
9/1982 - ?/198? P. Sykes, Barnsley (dealer)
1/1976 - 9/1982 Bristol Omnibus Company Ltd. 366. Withdrawn 8/82

Photo : BVRES Collection

Photo : Donald Hudson

Photo : Rob Sly

Photo : Mick Templeton


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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