Illustrated History for JFM238D

Chassis: FS6G 230071 Body: ECW 15415 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LX - Gardner 6LXB
Configuration: H33/27RD
Status: Preserved     Last Reported: 7/2023

Last updated : July 30th 2023 (brought up-to-date)

11/1990 - current
Grampian Transport Museum, Alford (for preservation). Loaned to Grampian Regional Transport, 6-9/1992. Took part in Grampian's 95th anniversary celebrations at King Street garage, Aberdeen, 26/8/1993. Returned, 7/1995
10/1988 - 11/1990
Richard Carr & Pam Robbins, New Milton. Operated on New Forest Travel services. Moved to Tomintoul and operated on Lows Coaches/Glenlivet & District services, 5/1989. Withdrawn 11/1990
5/198? - 10/1988
PK Historic, Hunmanby
9/1986 - 5/1987
Carter, Colchester
9/1983 - 9/1986
Griffiths, Enfield (for preservation)
11/1981 - 9/1983
S Millington, Oxton (non-PCV)
12/1966 - 11/1981
Crosville Motor Services Ltd. DFG238. Re-engined with a Gardner 6LXB, ?/19??
JFM238D in Glenlivet & District livery
Photo : Stuart Johnson
JFM238D in Tilling livery
Photo : From the Internet
JFM238D in 1980
Photo : Clive Brown

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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