Illustrated History for GRX132D

Chassis: FLF6G 231068 Body: ECW 15650 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LX Configuration: H38/32F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 12/2022

Last updated : April 10th 2024 (brought up-to-date)

by 9/2020 - currentUnknown owner in Kransnodar, Russia (mobile cafe)
by 6/2013 - ?/20?? Oleg Zilberg (Cafe Big Bus), Kotlas, Russia (mobile cafe)
by 10/2007 - ?/2??? Unknown owner in Gustrow, Germany (mobile cafe)
c7/1994 -?/???? Eros Centre, Rostock, Germany. Converted for use as a mobile café and bar
c7/1994 -?/???? ?, ?, Germany
5/1994 - ?/1994 Ireland, Hull (dealer)
3/1991 - 5/1994 Stagecoach Scotland Ltd. 07?. Renumbered 656, 3/1992. Withdrawn 11/1992
8/1988 - 3/1991 Magicbus (Scotland) Ltd. 077
3/1987 - 8/1988 Stagecoach, Perth 077
5/1984 - 3/1987 Cleverly, Cwmbran
8/1980 - 5/1984

Morris, Swansea

1/1972 - 8/1980

Thames Valley and Aldershot Omnibus Company Ltd. (Alder Valley) 664

2/1966 - 1/1972 Thames Valley Traction Company Ltd. D32
GRX132D in 2022
Photo : Oleg Zilberg
GRX132D in 2004
Photo : Steve Peck
GRX132D in Stagecoach livery
Photo : Chris Bowles
GRX132D in Cleverly livery
Photo : Brian Pritchard
Photo required of GRX132D in NBC red livery
Can you help with a photo? 
Photo required of GRX132D in Tilling red livery
Can you help with a photo?

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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