Illustrated History for GRU975D

Chassis: FLF6G 231193 Body: ECW 15618 Series 2 Engine: Gardner 6LWConfiguration: H38/32F
Status: Exported     Last Reported: 6/2022

Last updated : October 18th 2022 (brought up-to-date)

by 1/2021 - current
TT's, Montauk, New York, U.S.A.
by 12/2012 - ?/20??
Duncan Quinn, ?, New York, U.S.A. Converted for use as a mobile exhibition for Duncan Quinn fashion
?/1999 - ?/201?
Churchill Pub, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Repainted as an eyecatcher for the Pub, ?/2009
?/1995 - ?/1999
British Bus Corporation, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
?/1992 - ?/1995
Beach Bus Company, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
?/198? - ?/1992
Spirit of '76, Washington DC, U.S.A.
?/1981 - ?/198?
?, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
3/1981 - ?/1981
Omnibus Promotions, London E.C.1 (dealer)
8/1966 - 3/1981
Hants & Dorset Motor Services Ltd. 1544. Renumbered 1241, 9/1971
GRU975D in 2022
Photo : TT's
GRU975D in 2021
Photo : TT's
GRU975D in New York
Photo : Duncan Quinn
GRU975D in Florida
Photo : Paul Bateson
GRU975D in NBC red livery
Photo : Richard Bache
GRU975D in Tilling green livery
Photo : Bryanb27m4

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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