Illustrated History for GOG662N

Chassis: VRT/SL2/1023 Body: MCW Engine: Gardner 6LX Configuration: H43/33F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 8/2000

Last updated : November 20th 2017 (page added)

PVS, Carlton (dealer for scrap)
7/1992 - 6/2000
Moxon, Oldcotes. Named "Lynsey Michelle". Reregistered GOG662N, 6/2000
7/1992 - 7/1992
Martin, Middlewich (dealer)
4/1988 - 7/1992
Hill, Congleton. Reregistered HIL3476, by 6/1991
by 6/1987 - 4/1988
Burton, Brixham
10/1986 - ?/1987
Martin, Middlewich (dealer)
6/1975 - 10/1986 West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive 4662

GOG662N with Moxon
Photo : Dave Longbottom
Photo needed of GOG662N with Hill
Can you help with a photo?
Photo needed of GOG662N with Burton's of Brixham
Can you help with a photo?
GOG662N in WMPTE livery
Photo : WDA2T

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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