Illustrated History for GGV47N

Chassis: LH6L LH/903 Body: Plaxton Engine: Leyland O401 Configuration: C45F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 5/1995

Last updated : February 20th 2016 (brought up-to-date)

by 3/1997 ?, ? (dealer for scrap)
by 5/1995 - ?/199? MacEwan, Amisfield (for spares)
by 1/1994 - ?/1995 Capital Driving, W.3 (driver trainer) 5. Loaned to London Suburban, 1/94 to 2/94. Loaned to Kentish Bus on occasions
6/1991 - ?/199? Specialised Transport Training, Liverpool 1 (driver trainer)
?/199? - 6/1991 Norths, Sherburn in Elmet (dealer)
9/1990 - ?/199? United Automobile Services 1902. Not used in service
11/1988 - 9/1990 Trimdon Motor Services, Trimdon Grange. To service, 12/88. Numbered 1902, ??/??
?/19?? - 11/1988 Laws (Tartan Travel), Killingworth
by 12/1984 - ?/198? Fr Green, Weymouth (dealer)
11/1974 - ?/19?? Bickers, Coddenham

Photo : BVRES Collection

Photo : Mark Harrington

Photo : John Laws

   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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