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BRISTOL VR 5516 - 5527

Last Updated : November 10th 2024 (brought up-to-date)

This page lists Bristol VRs 5516 - 5527 operated by Bristol Omnibus including links to all photos currently in the BVRES Collection showing the liveries carried by individual vehicles. If you have any further information or photos I would be delighted to hear from you at

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Chassis/Body Type

Chassis Number

Date Acquired

Date Withdrawn and Sold Notes
PEU511R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/875
8/1977 (New)
1/1986 (Badgerline 5516)
1/8/1977 (BH)
5517 PEU512R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/882 9/1977 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5517) 17/9/1977 (BH)
5518 PEU513R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/883 8/1977 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5518) 1/8/1977 (BH), 1/10/1977 (SD), 1/3/1978 (BH)
5519 PEU514R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/884 9/1977 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5519) 17/9/1977 (BH)
5520 PEU515R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/885 10/1977 (New) 9/1983 (Cheltenham & Gloucester 5520) 1/10/1977 (WM), 1/8/1982 (CRW), 9/3/1983 (GR)
5521PEU516RVRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/8868/1977 (New) 9/1983 (Cheltenham & Gloucester 5521)1/8/1977 (SN)
5522 PEU517R VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/887 9/1977 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5522) 17/9/1977 (SN), 1/12/1980 (GR), 1/3/1981 (CM), 1/6/1982 (TE), 1/8/1982 (WM), 21/11/1982 (MH), 1/3/1983 (BH)
5523 PEU518R
VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/888 8/1977 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5523) 1/8/1977 (BH)
5524 RFB614S VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/1043 1/1978 (New)
5/1983 (Southern Vectis 508)
4/1/1978 (GR), 30/1/1978 (loan to Western National), 18/2/1978 (GR), 1/6/1982 (BH), 30/6/1982 (GR), 9/3/1983 (CRW), 4/5/1983 (w)
5525 RFB615S VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/1044 1/1978 (New) 5/1983 (Southern Vectis 509) 1/1/1978 (BH), 21/11/1978 (LH), 3/4/1979 (WE), 16/4/1979 (MH), 1/5/1979 (LH), 11/1/1980 (BH), 31/3/1983 (CRW), 4/5/1983 (w)
5526 RFB616S VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/1045 1/1978 (New) 1/1986 (Badgerline 5526) 1/1/1978 (BH), 23/12/1983 (WM)
5527 RFB617S
VRT/SL3/6LXB ECW H43/31F VRT/SL3/1050 1/1978 (New) 9/1983 (Cheltenham & Gloucester 5527) 4/1/1978 (GR), 1/12/1980 (SN), 1/3/1981 (GR), 1/5/1982 (SN), 20/7/1982 (SD)
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