Illustrated History for 38UMN

Reregistered SGF485L

Chassis: RELH4/268 Body: Duple 223/1 Engine: Leyland O680 Configuration: C49F, C51F
Status: Scrapped     Last Reported: 8/1984

Last updated : May 29th 2017 (brought up-to-date)

by 8/1984 Jones, Carlton (dealer). Presumed scrapped
8/1979 - ?/1984 Jackson (Chez J Coaches), London S.E.22. Withdrawn 11/1983
11/1977 - 8/1979 Kenilworth Tours, Liverpool
3/1977 - 11/1977 Wright (Halewood Coaches), Halewood
12/1976 - 3/1977 Martin, Weaverham (dealer)
1/1974 - 12/1976 National Travel (South East) Ltd.
2/1973 - 1/1974 Samuelson Transport Ltd. Altered to C51F and reregistered SGF485L before entering service, 3/1973
5/1971 - 2/1973 Isle of Man Road Services 38

Photo : Martyn Hearson

Photo : Chris Stewart Collection


   If you can correct or enhance the history of the vehicle or claim copyright on an unclaimed photo on this page please email and I will be only too happy to incorporate your comments.  

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